
Invisible Body Series

Invisible Body


The full body illusion is induced by synchronous movements of hands and feet, and the illusion is as strong as full body avatar.

Kondo, R., Sugimoto, M., Minamizawa, K., Hoshi, T., Inami, M., and Kitazaki, M. (2018). Illusory body ownership of an invisible body interpolated between virtual hands and feet via visual-motor synchronicity. Scientific Reports, 8:7541.  

Top 100 read neuroscience papers for Scientific Reports in 2018.

Selected in Scientific Reports, Editor's Choice: cognitive neuroscience.

Invisible Long Arm Body


Body ownership of invisible long arm body is also generated. It makes them feel as if their arms are longer and they change their strategy to take advantage of their long arms in reaching tasks.

Kondo, R., Ueda, S., Sugimito, M., Minamizawa, K., Inami, M., & Kitazaki, M. (2018). Invisible long arm illusion: illusory body ownership by synchronous movement of hands and feet. ICAT-EGVE 2018, Limassol, Cyprus, November 7-9, 2018 【Full Paper, Acceptance rate: 47%】

近藤 亮太,上田祥代,杉本麻樹,南澤孝太,稲見昌彦,北崎充晃(2019). 見えない長い腕:四肢先端の視覚運動同期による四肢伸張透明身体への所有感生成と行動変容. 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 24(4), 1-10.

Scrambled Body


We developed a method to divide the full body illusion and the body part ownership. Scrambled body that randomly rearranges the positions of hands and feet induces only body part ownership. Our result suggests that spatial arrangement is important for the illusion of whole-body ownership

Kondo, R., Tani, Y., Sugimoto, M., Inami, M., and Kitazaki, M. (2020). Scrambled body differentiates body part ownership from the full body illusion. Scientific Reports, 10:5274

Selected in Scientific Reports, Editor's choice: virtual reality

Illusion Onset and Duration of Invisible Body 


We investigated the onset and duration of the invisible body illusion. The results showed that the duration of body ownership was shorter for the invisible body compared to the full-body avatar and the avatar missing hands and feet. There was no statistically significant difference in the onset time.

Kondo, R. and Sugimoto, M. (2022). Effects of virtual hands and feet on the onset time and duration of illusory body ownership. Scientific Reports, 12:11802.

Human Body Augmentation

Body-parts Remapping


Even when the body parts are different, as in the case of the virtual left arm and an observer's right thumb, body ownership is generated if the synchronization of movement is maintained.

Kondo, R., Tani, Y., Sugimoto, M., Minamizawa, K., Inami, M., and Kitazaki, M. (2020). Re-association of Body Parts: Illusory Ownership of a Virtual Arm Associated with the Contralateral Real Finger by Visuo-motor Synchrony. Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Virtual Environments, 7:26. 

Dual Body and Affordance


We investigated the relationship between the affordance perception of two bodies and the aperture passage. The results showed that affordance perception did not change regardless of the number of bodies. This suggests that body ownership switches between bodies when two bodies are manipulated.

近藤亮太,杉本麻樹 (2022). アフォーダンス課題を用いたVR空間での複数身体に対する所有感の同時性の検討. 日本バーチャルリアリティ学会論文誌, 27, 353-360.

Split Body


By splitting one body into left and right, the self-location can be extended while maintaining some degree of body ownership. However, the body ownership was weaker than that of the normal avatar.

Kondo, R. and Sugimoto, M. (2022). Split body: Extending self-location by splitting a body left and right. Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3:992803. 

Effects of the Number of Bodies on body ownership


We investigated whether increasing the number of bodies induce body ownership similar to a single body by perceiving multiple bodies as a group. However, the results suggest that the body ownership decreases as the number of bodies increases for vertically aligned multiple bodies.

Kondo, R. and Sugimoto, M. (2023). Effects of the Number of Bodies on Ownership of Multiple Bodies. In Augmented Humans 2023 (AHs 2023), 3 pages, Glasgow, United Kingdom, March 12-14, 2023.